Some of the most common questions visitors have about CCC

How is CCC different from other churches?

CCC is an independent, non-denominational church that seeks to help people find and grow in their relationship with God. Using the Scriptures as our authority for all matters of life, our goal is to come alongside you and support you in your personal journey of spiritual growth.

Our programs and ministries are both Biblically based and relationally minded. Our desire is to create community while advancing the gospel message. We desire to meet the needs in our world and community as well as foster an environment that propels you forward in your spiritual growth.

How long is the church service?

A typical Sunday morning service is about 75 minutes.

Do you have programs for children, youth, and young adults?

Yes! Children birth through 8th grade meet Sunday mornings in their own space during the adult service. 7th through 12th graders meet Wednesday nights from 7PM to 8:15PM. Our young adults meet monthly on Friday night at 7PM.

What kind of message am I going to hear?

Each week you will hear an inspirational Biblical message. We strive to be both practical and spiritual, designing each message to help you grow in maturity as a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.

What should I wear?

Dress up or wear comfortable, casual clothing. It's up to you!

What is your statement of beliefs?

You may find a full description of our beliefs by clicking the card below.

How do I get connected?

There are many ways to connect at CCC. The first step is to click the card below or stop by the Next Steps Desk in our lobby to fill out a Connection Card and pick up your free welcome gift. Filling out a Connection Card kick starts a process which allows the church to recommend connection opportunities for you. We also regularly host New Community Luncheons to connect visitors to church staff and leaders.

How do I become a member?

We do not adhere to a formal membership at CCC. We encourage all people who consider CCC their home church to attend the services and get involved in the different activities and ministries we offer. In particular, we hope that if you are new to CCC, you would consider attending a New Community Luncheon for a chance to meet our staff and learn more about us face to face!

Where does the offering money go?

We teach the Biblical principle of tithing, and each week an offering is taken during the service. The money collected is for ministry and allows us to be generous in our giving to those in need as well as fund the church budget. Visitors to our church are not expected to give to CCC unless they are personally practicing the Biblical teaching of tithing. 

Can I take communion?

At the last supper, just before He was crucified, Jesus instituted the blessing of the communion service telling His followers, "Do this in remembrance of me." All believers are welcome to participate in the receiving of the communion bread and cup, even if they don't normally attend CCC. 

Do I have to be baptized at CCC in order to attend the services?

We believe baptism is both an act of obedience and a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. We recommend all believers participate in baptism by immersion, but you do not have to be baptized at CCC in order to attend. 

Does the Lead Pastor make all the decisions?

The Lead Pastor does not make all the decisions at CCC. The governing body includes a team of elders, a board of financial directors, and a pastoral staff.