Next Steps

Looking to get involved? Let us show you how!

What are my Next Steps?

Here at CCC we have a very simple method of getting you plugged in and serving within the Kingdom of God. Just follow these steps alongside us, and we will help you get involved exactly where you're meant to be!

1. Let's Connect!

fill out our form below

2. Nice to Meet You!

You will be contacted by a CCC Member to welcome you and discover how CCC can best support you in your walk with Christ.

3. Get Involved!

We’ve always got something going on at CCC. Join us for an upcoming Events and check out our Ministry Groups.

4. Join a Group

We all need people to do life with! When we invest into relationships our problems become smaller; and God can use people to bring healing, support, and encouragement to our lives. A Life Group will be a place where you are known and cared for by others.

5. Serve

There’s a place for everyone at CCC. We believe true fulfillment happens when you are using your God-given talents and gifts to serve, grow and build others up. Once you’ve completed a Discover class, we will help you find your perfect fit in any of the following areas: