
Making disciples of all nations

In Mark 16:15, what has become known as the Great Commission, Jesus plainly said, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." The good news Jesus instructed us to preach includes a message of "good deeds.” And so, in addition to telling the world Jesus is Savior and Lord, CCC is committed to breaking the chains of poverty, injustice, and human trafficking (the number one social issue of our day and a cause we are absolutely committed to fighting). Through a combined strategy of sharing the gospel, education, life skill training, and compassion, CCC is fully engaged in the Great Commission.

Local Outreach

Food Pantry

Community Christian Church

Founded in  2009, Community Christian Church’s food pantry has become the largest food pantry in the Macomb County area. Currently serving over 350 families each week. Each year the food pantry grows a little bit more and with rising food prices the need will continue to grow. Every human deserves access to common everyday needs and for some food becomes a luxury that they can't afford. Our dedicated staff of volunteers are committed to provide each person that comes to the pantry with respect and the love of God. Meeting the needs of our community is one of the goals CCC has and the pantry is just the beginning. We are honored to be  a part of every family's story that comes to our pantry so they know they are not alone.

Oasis Life Ministries

Dave & connie Bauer

Oasis Life has been ministering inner healing and deliverance to individuals and small groups for many years. The personal ministry helps people in several ways. Some are harassed with spiritual oppression and either aren’t aware of it or don’t know what to do about it. They assist them in getting free and teach them how to stay free. Another way Oasis Life  helps people is accelerating their personal growth. They feel stuck and OL can  assist them in moving forward. Some desire advising in a difficult life situation and may be looking for a session to get input or maybe want an extended season of discipling or mentoring. 

The Wave Project

Todd & Laura Gordon

The WAVE Project exists to build relationships. From connecting with existing organizations to mobilize and equip, to directly meeting needs within the community, WAVE Project is relational at heart. The project started with a monthly Outreach BBQ event, in 2018, where volunteers and people experiencing homelessness alike sat down together over a meal and share their stories. Through hearing people’s stories, it became evident that access to hygiene services is a major barrier for those in the community who are experiencing homelessness. In 2023 6,200 people were served by the Wave Project essentials van. Each week they are provided a warm shower,  personal care items and whatever clothing they may need. As of right now they are set to double the amount of people served in 2023.

Gateway To Glory

Robin Malek

Gateway to Glory Ministries is a non-profit faith based ministry made up of two facets, jail ministry and aftercare. Their vision is  to provide hope and a solution to the war on addiction with both inmates and those seeking help in aftercare.  Ministering, encouraging  and empowering within the jails with the hopes that these men and women can be reunited with the families addiction free. Gateway To Glory also provides aftercare for those coming out of jail. Housing, counseling and rehabilitation are provided to those seeking sobriety. Each and every person that comes to Gateway To Glory receives the hope and Love of Jesus. Addiction is lonely but Gateway To Glory provides the help and understanding for men and women to know they are not alone.

Abigayle Ministries

Abigayle ministries was founded in 1997 with the goal to help pregnant women who needed a place to go. Their  goal is to provide short term rehabilitation and care for homeless pregnant women so they have a safe place to bring their child to once born.  They provide food, shelter, counseling, medical care and training for employment so these women can get back on their feet and begin to create a life for their growing family. In 2020 they began a new project which includes long term housing for women who have nowhere to go once their time comes to an end at Abigayle house. Their hope is that each woman who comes to Abigayle will never be homeless again. 

National Outreach

Embrace the Truth

Evangelist / apologist: ABDU & Nicole MURRAY

Embrace the Truth’s Mission: 

We offer the credibility of the gospel to every questioner we encounter. We believe that truth, when embraced, brings freedom. We strive to hear, respect, and answer each person in ways that touch both the mind and the heart. 

For most of his life, Abdu was a proud Muslim until a nine-year historical, philosophical, theological, and scientific investigation pointed him to the Christian faith. As a speaker and writer with Embrace the Truth, Abdu Murray strives to offer thoughtful answers to those who have sophisticated doubts and questions about God, faith, the Bible, and culture. Abdu has authored several books including Saving Truth, Grand Central Question, Apocalypse Later, and the forthcoming More than a White Man’s Religion

Embrace the Truth is establishing podcasts, such as The Defense Rests, as well as digital content featured on YouTube and various social media platforms. Abdu engages in dialogues, debates, and open forums with diverse international audiences across the globe. Embrace the Truth focuses on interactive events, especially Q&A sessions addressing the toughest challenges to the Christian faith. We feel called to provide an opportunity for those with deeply felt objections or doubts to be heard and answered. 

ARC Churches

Arc believes in the cause of the Local Church.  In both partnering with those that want to start a church from the ground up and providing resources for an already established church. In 2024 35 new churches were planted through ARC with  over 890 people in 16 different states deciding for the first time to  follow Jesus. They have trained and equipped leadership in 475 churches all over the U.S. this year and  currently have 91 pastors training to plant future churches. Fast forward to today, ARC has seen more than one thousand churches planted since starting in 2000 and continues its vision to see a thriving church in every community, reaching people with the message of Jesus.


Tim & Kate Franz

The goal of BreakLoose is to continue the mandate of Jesus in Matthew 25 by partnering with the local church to help inmates inside the prison and as they transition back into society. We know God has a divine purpose for every human being, including prison inmates. Currently 1.7 million children have a parent who is facing incarceration. The cycle of crime and incarceration produces broken relationships, victimization, broken trust, despair, and instability impacting the family unit. BreakLoose will host children & their parent inside the facility for an unforgettable weekend camp. Creating lasting memories for incarcerated fathers and their children. As of 2024 BreakLoose has been to 114 prisons within 10 different states and 56,000 inmates have been reached.

Legacy Place

1 in 5 women experience infertility. 1 in 4 women experience a miscarriage. Each year 24,000 babies are stillborn. Marriages where child loss is experienced are 3x more likely to end in divorce. Legacy Place provides a space for healing and reconnection to begin. They desire to come alongside couples who are facing this trauma to encourage and equip them to live strong healthy marriages in spite of the deep pain this journey can inflict. Legacy Place offers one day events where couples from all over can begin the process of reconnection  and healing. They provide valuable resources to start couples on the path to leaving the legacy God has for each of us. Their current goal for 2025 is to break ground on a retreat center that will provide a week-long retreat for couples to process the hardest parts of their story.

Convoy Of Hope

As a humanitarian, faith-based organization, Convoy of Hope’s goal is to serve people who are impoverished, hungry, and hurting. Founded  in 1994, Convoy Of Hope is  often the first  to  respond in the wake of a disaster. During times of natural and humanitarian disaster, Convoy of Hope responds with tangible aid and compassion. In  2023 Convoy of Hope provided relief to 38 U.S. disasters  reaching over 3.8 million people throughout the country. Providing food, water, and hygiene products to those affected by natural disasters  helps many with the simple things they need to get by as they begin to rebuild. When possible they offer long term accommodations  to those that need to rebuild completely.

Global Missions

Promises In Action

Sonia Rank

Promises in Action is an organization based out of the Dominican republic. Working together with local churches and leaders, providing necessities such as: Food, Medical prescriptions, contributions of payments towards rent, home repairs, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, clothes, pampers for kids and adults, school supplies and bibles. Their goal  is to bring God’s Kingdom to earth by meeting the tangible needs in the Dominican.

YouCanFreeUs Foundation

director: sujo john

YouCanFreeUs Foundation is an international human rights organization that is fighting modern slavery around the world through advocacy, rescue, and rehabilitation.

Our fight against modern slavery began in 2010. Since then, we have rescued and successfully rehabilitated hundreds of women and children through our strategic intervention hubs, safe houses, and training centers in different parts of the world.

Our prevention strategies include awareness campaigns through fashion, art and sports, and educational workshops in schools, corporations, and prisons. We have also developed LIBERTAS, a catalytic educational tool delivering innovative ways to fight modern slavery.

YouCanFreeUs is a non-profit organization registered in the United States, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom.

Mission 25

Missionaries: Sam & Erin Oginsky

CCC is committed to breaking the chains of poverty, injustice, and false religion in Cambodia through a three-pronged strategy: outreach, education, and human trafficking prevention. 


Our main goal in Cambodia is to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. The main religion in Cambodia is Buddhism with three percent of the population claiming to be Christian. Only through the hope Christ offers can injustice like human trafficking, abuse, and exploitation be uprooted. Since 2013, when the Lord first gave CCC an open door into Cambodia, over 7,000 people have heard the good news of the gospel, and many in Takeo and Pursat have accepted Christ as Savior. Once the gospel is introduced, our strategy includes discipleship support and follow-up with local area pastors. 


Education is the key to breaking the chains of poverty for current and future generations. With proper education, people have greater opportunities for success. Education provides needed skills leading to higher wages and economic growth. It also improves personal health and hygiene which helps to prevent disease. Mission 25 has recently completed a school and community center in the Pursat province. Also, as part of the education strategy, CCC is currently providing college dorms for at-risk students coming from the rural provinces to the capital city of Phnom Penh. By providing these dorms we give university students a safe place to live and learn. In the process, they all hear the gospel message! 


Both labor and sex trafficking are massive issues in Cambodia. Exploitation and abuse run rampant throughout this country. In addition to sharing the Gospel, education on the prevention of human trafficking is given. Thus teaching people what they can do to protect their children from traffickers. This equips and empowers people in rural provinces to stop human trafficking before it occurs. CCC teams have also had the opportunity to share hope within the “red-light district” in Phnom Penh. Our prayer is we will be able to continue to work with these women, helping them find a path to freedom and integrate back into society.

Rhema Pharmacy and Medical Center

Missionary: Harry Gruits

Community Christian Church has partnered with the Rhema International Medical Center in Bocozelle, Haiti, (approximately 70 miles north of Port-au-Prince) providing food, water, medical supplies, health, and spiritual support to 50,000 people living in the Artibonite Valley. Free health exams are performed on all children up to the age of five; and all children receive free vaccinations for malaria, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever. Prenatal care is given to expecting mothers, and a well-equipped maternity ward provides safe and sanitary conditions for childbirth. The hospital pharmacy that we built in 2011 is fully functioning and serving the community! Looking ahead, we hope to offer community health education, discipleship, and short term mission projects. 

Kingdom Kids Homes

Missionary: Kristie RouKounakis

CCC has also partnered with Kingdom Kids Homes. Their mission is to rescue children who are orphaned and abandoned and to provide them with a safe place to call home. Their house in Haiti provides these children with a loving, family-like environment, clean water, three nutritious meals a day, a Christian education, medical care, and the opportunity to know Jesus Christ. By partnering with Kingdom Kids, our hope is to love and train these children to be disciples as well as teach them to do hands-on ministry. We want to raise up the next generation of leaders to bring positive change to their nation and to impact it for Jesus Christ. 

House of Hope in Haiti (educational building and community center)


Lahu, Thailand

Missionaries: Rev. Lee Hyung Kuk and Family

In Thailand, Lahu is one of six main hill tribes located in the mountain areas. With a population of about 100,000, their primary means of livelihood is farming. Even though the Lahu are living in Thailand, they are isolated from Thailand. They do not have nationality, common language, or legal protection. They just go on living in the northern high mountains with their own tradition, culture, and language. Rev. Lee Hyung Kuk and his family have been working with the Lahu Tribe in Chiang Mai (the northern part of Thailand) for 15 years. Under this mission, there are three mission centers which care for and educate children of all ages. Rev. Lee has also established 21 churches in the mountain villages along with a Christian seminary.

Living Water

Missionaries: Matt & Angela Catinella

Just like American youth, the young people living in Uganda are surrounded by negative and dangerous influences including alcohol and drug abuse, crime, and immorality. For many of these teens, their only life instruction and guidance comes from what they learn from their peers. Living Water Ministries reaches out to teenagers by connecting with them through the public school system, offering a written curriculum relevant to their age and culture. In addition, Living Water is involved in a youth leaders training program, specifically designed to raise up mentors who, in turn, instruct, teach, disciple, and counsel younger teens. Community Christian Church is a financial sponsor of Living Water, helping with mission support, curriculum costs, and youth leadership training manuals.

Key of Hope

Missionaries: Dan & Rachel Smither

Community Christian Church is a financial partner with Key of Hope, a ministry designed to reach thousands of impoverished children stricken with HIV and AIDS in the province of Durban, South Africa. Their goal is to empower these children with the love of God and transform them into ambassadors of change in their families, schools, and communities. They seek to accomplish this through long-term discipling relationships, ongoing household support, and provision for many daily necessities. Key of Hope desires to minister to the whole person whether it’s through providing meals, a pair of shoes, or spiritual discipleship. Their goal is to not only meet daily needs, but also disciple these children as Christian leaders and citizens.

Bacau, Romania

missionary: Marian Paduret

This might come as a surprise to you, Romania is routinely listed as a top destination on world websites promoting sex tourism. As such, Romania is a destination country for sex trafficking with specific conditions of forced labor and child prostitution.

Being so committed to the cause of fighting human trafficking, Community Christian Church has endeavored to help finance and underwrite the “Stay Free” project in Bacau, Romania. Stay Free is a human sex trafficking prevention program endorsed by the Romanian government. With government approval, the Stay Free curriculum (written and taught by Pastor Marian Paduret) has been integrated into the Bacua public school system. Each year, 1,500 public school students between the ages of 12-16 participate in the program. Pastor Marian Paduret spearheads the project, educating students on sexual purity and human trafficking. He is also permitted to share principles from the Bible and present the gospel message to the public school students.

Stay Free also has future plans to build a transitional home for sex trafficking victims, girls who come out of the sex trades and need help navigating their way back into society. Teaching a life skill is a key element of success and is the best way to prevent re-entry into the sex trafficking world.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, Russia launched a well-planned armed aggression against Ukraine with the military operation of its Armed Forces seizing a part of the Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was under bombardment early Friday morning, with missile strikes and war rockets crashing into military, commercial and residential buildings.

Masses of people begin to flee Ukraine, with thousands of refugees flooding into northern Romania. Networking with area churches, Pastor Marian Paduret offered, food, water, shelter and medical assistance to the refugees. When Community Christian Church learned of the crisis, we announced a short-term war relief campaign to our members. There was immediate and overwhelming response. As of March 2022, just under $60,000 in support was raised and wired from CCC to Pastor Marian for humanitarian aid.