
Extending the hands and heart of God to our local community

Local Outreach

Serving one another, showing compassion, giving generously to the poor, and being mindful of the needs of others is a Biblical assignment we take very seriously at Community Christian Church. James 1:27 says, “religious worship that is pure and unblemished in the sight of God the Father is to visit, help, and care for orphans and widows in their affliction and need.” (AMP) This aspect of ministry includes reaching out in practical ways to both feed and financially bless the less fortunate, showing compassion and justice to the hurting, and demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ to others in need.

We currently serve the Macomb County community needs along with several independent outreach ministries:

• Hope for Refugees

• Alabaster Gift

• Epic Church

• Homes for Vets

• Abigayle House (home for unwed mothers)

• Life Builders Detroit (outreach to the community)

• Amelia Agnes Transitional Home (abused women)

• Pontiac Dream Center 

• The Well of Waterford (mentoring)

• MCREST (Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team-homeless shelter)

• Macomb County Jail

Outreach Life Group

This is a Life Group built around serving others. Once per month over the course of a Life Group semester, this group goes out into our community and simply serves. The type of outreach will vary but will involve volunteering to serve food to the less fortunate, participating in restoration projects, getting involved in local city outreaches, and much more. CCC is looking to impact Sterling Heights and the surrounding cities for Jesus.