All Clear (Pastor Dan)

Read this featured blog post by Pastor Tony Rea

All Clear

BY PASTOR Dan Casey | AUGUST 3, 2020

“I Can” Series 

Pastor Dan Casey


The raid team drove close to the drug house, exited the van, and quickly, cautiously approached the house. Everyone on the team knew their appointed positions and exactly what was expected of them.  The front door almost flew off its hinges as the “Ram Man” smashed it open.


As I was manning the “Shotgun” for this mission, I was the first officer through the door. We quickly handcuffed the occupants on the main floor as the “All clear!” was signaled. However, our undercover officer was nowhere to be found. Shouting out his name, I heard his familiar voice say, “Case, I’m upstairs.”  Bounding up the stairs I found both our undercover officer and a startled drug dealer. The dealer was quickly handcuffed, and the house was then declared secure.


When all was over, and we were on our way back to the station, the undercover officer approached me to say thanks.  He said, “Case, when I heard your voice, I knew everything would be alright, and I would be okay.” That officer and I had known and worked together for several years. We had developed a strong, brother-like relationship. He knew I would do everything in my power to protect him in that situation.


Proverbs 18:24b 

...there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.


Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace

him whose mind is steadfast,

because he trusts in You.


That is a rich word, isn’t it? It produces a quiet, peaceful mind of freedom and confidence. In this current climate of uncertainty, with troubling news coming at us each day, it is easy to become fearful and unsettled. When we focus on the media’s effective means of communicating fear and hysteria, it could be easy (understandably so) to think we’re facing an enemy who has the upper hand.


Right now, friend, it’s time to return our focus to the promise God has given us, the good news that boldly proclaims, and He Himself said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” With full confidence, we can boldly proclaim, “The Lord is my helper and I will not fear.”

Stay calm, friend. Listen and lean into the Good News. Stay calm and pray.


Isaiah 30:15

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says:

 “In repentance (returning to me) and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength…”


Psalm 32:10

Many are the woes of the wicked,

but the Lord’s unfailing love

surrounds the one who trusts in Him.